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Cleaning service in Platja d'Aro

Our cleaner arrives on time with everything needed and immediately gets down to work. You simply need to evaluate the result.
Professional cleaning Professional cleaning Professional cleaning

We are experts in both home and professional cleaning.

We are working since 2014. We work in 82 cities and 5 countries + Read about the company

Thought out to the smallest detail

→ Calculate the cost
Pay after cleaning
Guaranteed cleaning quality
We carry out special assignments
We work with proven cleaners
Cleaning is done on ordered day

What's included in the cleaning service

Find out the price from the photo with an accuracy of 99%

Send us a photo of the room and comments to any messenger, and we will make an accurate calculation for you!

We carefully select and train each cleaning service staff

Cheerful, responsible, loves animals
47 cleanings
Punctual, modest, perfect ironing
28 cleanings
Neat, quiet, fan of cleanliness
7 cleanings
Punctual, polite and kind, loves children
7 cleanings
Active, the best specialist in the field of dry cleaning.
104 cleanings
Galina P.
Responsible, knowledgeable in his field.
117 cleanings
Galina P.
Marina V
A fan of cleanliness, neat, cheerful, cleaning is a pleasure for her.
23 cleanings
Marina V
Catherine V.
Modest, but fulfilling all your wishes.
80 cleanings
Catherine V.
Zina S.
Ambitious, sociable, especially knows how to get along with people.
240 cleanings
Zina S.

The best cleaning app

Create a cleaning plan in two clicks Upload house photos and specify all important info for a cleaner e.g. do not touch wine glasses and make the nursery extra clean.

Average cleaning rate – 4,8

star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.
star star star star star
We ordered country house cleaning, it was said that the cleaning will be done in 3 days, but in fact the team did it in one day without any complaints, and the price was not expensive, I recommend👍👍
Was cleaning Nellie B. and Maria G.