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Platja d'Aro

We clean windows separately or together with other services
Window cleaning Window cleaning Window cleaning

Window cleaning service can be provided both separately and together with apartment cleaning

For example, during deep cleaning or after renovation
+ Compare the types of cleaning
Этап 1 Preparation
Перед началом уборки проверим состояние окон на наличие повреждений, трещин и сколов. Если найдем повреждения — сообщим вам.
Этап 2 Clean the frames
Выберем технологию уборки исходя из типов рам и загрязнения. Очистим рамы от пыли и грязи, высушим их и обработаем специальными растворами.
Этап 3 Final touches
Очистим, вымоем и высушим стекла со всех сторон. Стекла будут идеально чистыми: без разводов и пятен.
How is the window cleaning carried out? → Calculate the cost

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Send us a photo of the room and comments to any messenger, and we will make an accurate calculation for you!

Window cleaning for different occasions

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Maintaining Post renovation cleaning
Maintaining cleanliness
Maintaining cleanliness
We ensure crystal-clear windows, no traces of rain and dust. We use alcohol-based products.
Post renovation cleaning
Post renovation cleaning
We will clean windows from complex contaminants: paint, adhesive tape, building materials.
What is included in the price?